Tuesday, December 18, 2007

pastel pencils drawings

Henry Parkes drawing was mine and Anna my daughters first go at pastel pencils and crayons..hers on the right mine on the left both incomplete as yet..she was 15 at the time and I thought her effort was fabulous, this was taught to us by and 80 year old fellow who only taught himself to draw after he retired..he does shadow box still life and it looks like photographs..if you have your light and shade correct you cant go wrong..I did some more on mine the other night with a few scotches in hand, the next day in the daylight he looked very jaundiced, as I am colour blind and night time work is a no no..cool I can rework before I fix it to prevent the chalk from rubbing off..its a great medium and I hope to do more soon, they can also be used on fabric and set with fabric medium..I love it..


nice tall skinny painting for those inbetween walls that nothing fit on..guess I liked landscapes back then, solg a few to some people from work,in Telecom that seems so long ago..


small sheep or large trees...the foliage was done with rolled up toilet paper,I love the main trees trunk, its texture is so real,I feel these sheep need to be fattern up made a more real size..one day I will fix it..lol..


lucky I can paint I am the worlds worst photographer,probably should have turned off the light..lol..


national park track , close to home in Waterfall,Sydney NSW..
One day I sahll paint again it was one of my first loves.

oil paintings

here are some more paintings completed back in 1988..yep that long ago.
this one is on top of the blue mountains, they are mainly painted from post cards.same palette colours compliment one another.


Well seeings as all the blogs I view have art work I decided to put in some oil paintings I did pre children, back when I was normal..

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Car

My car when it was clean and new and dressed for a wedding..maybe if I washed it she mite look like that again..had to atke the roof racks off as they are so noisey I couldnt hear myself think..shame I recon she was really cute with them on..roof rack place told me to put some blocks in under them to change the wind noise..breaks it up apparently..one day when I am doing nothing I will try that..love my care..she is called molly..cyas Pat

Hubby in his new dryazabone?

Thia is my hubby Wayne in his new full length dry-aza-bone?(sp)I told him he looked like an ewok from the star wars movies..least he is dry and warm..nothing much exposed not even his face..good on ya wayne, in a few years time you will need that up the farm..Kindee is the flavour of the moment..recon we will still end up at grafton..near the maccas..thats the people not the restuarant..cheers Pat

Monday, November 5, 2007

"diversity"calendar challenge

This was a challenge thru downunder quilts mag..called diversity,when I googled that word the definition was Mixed bag...seeing as it was for a calendar summer autumn winter spring bags just begged to be made..even cut up a mouse mat for soles on the thongs..but ofcourse it didnt win, or get chosen for a months photo..I was most dissapointed as I think some of the ones chosen where not as good as that little wall hanging..everybody who sees it loves it and wants me to make kits for it..it took me about 6 months to make, with all the embroidery,constrution..
quilting so I wont make kits anytime soon..wayne would eventually miss all his mouse mats..lol..more pics tommorra..david has and interveiw..fingers crossed..nite nite all..Pat

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Me Again

Hi everyone, well wayne is away so I am going to blog again, how about that twice in 2 days..unheard of..lol..will look for some pics seeings as my puter is still on in my studio..brb..

isnt this a great photo of me, hair and makeup courtesy of my 15 yr old darling daughter..no wonder her father ran when she said can I do your hair dad..haha, only because his hair was longer than mine at that stage..she's a funny kid..wonder if she will let her kids do that to her one day..I bet not..lol..

found my blog again

Hi everybody, finally found my blog again after all this time , when I am on my puter where everything is I cant blog, must be crook settings or something, you recon living with a geek he would fix it, wouldn't you but that doesnt happen..well I dont think there are any of my photos in this computer..but I will have alook..brb...as I suspected this disc has been formatted and resurrected again so nothing to share with you..oh well maybe next time..life here is very busy ,with my head spinning out of control, now starts the christmas rush..think I need to cancel christmas for another few months..cant belive this year is almost over again..both the kids have birthdays ,anna on wednesday and david on the 16th..she is 16 and he is 19..where did those years go..think I still have post natal depression..is that possible..lol..haven't been normal since I had the buggers..well going to bed early tonight..dont know why I have done nothing all day..I paper pieced block..and watched telly all day with hubby ,who is going to an all expenses paid,lovely motel in the southern highland for a few days, team building with work, and he doesn't want to go..I offered to take his place, but his work mates might notice..they wont get as many drinks per bottle with me there, as he doesn't drink..lol..i look after that for both of us..good noght for now hopefully I shall have this blog up and running real soon..cheers Pat

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

puter to blog on

finally found a puter to blog on..yahoo, hubbies new lap top, wonder how much air time I will score on here..oh well been a while since I have been in, haven't got any of my pics here cause my puter is shut down out in my sewing room, but I can fill u in on some news..I got a 4th place prize in the NSW Quilters guild show recently held in darling harbour Sydney, that made me grin, I felt I had worked really hard, had 2 of mine and 3 clients quilts in, so to pick up a 4th place I was stoked..will add a few pics next time I come in..the guild failed to notify my client so again this year I missed the prize ceremony...pisses me off, but what can I do, it was suggested I should attend the prize giving but I thought the lady who told me that was just trying to get me invovled..she did drop a few hints but think I am the direct type, like hit me with a lump of 4x2..dont ya hate discreet people..lol..Madge and I are off to Melbourne at the end of the month so maybe I mite pick up a prize in the AMQE..inaugral machine quilters show,held in conjuntion with the VIC showcase..2 chances in 51 entries..and I recon both the quilts are magic..not gunna count my chickens before they cross the bridge..but geeze that would be swell to pick up something down there with the mexicans..different judges..wont hold my breath..will post those pics after the show..well best get back to the state of origin,go the blues..but I must say I changed to qland before the game..bugger..need the points in the footy tipping comp..not over yet..good night yall be back ASAP..Pat

Thursday, April 26, 2007

bev and ken

this is a remarkably lovely couple that are also retiring to Grafton, one more reason wayne wants to head that way..100 acres and quilting retreats..sounds good to me..have gammill will travel..nothing too posh just sewing with ya mates..yehah cant wait..with some 4wdriving to boot, nice tracks up hill and down dale..probably a sound proof music studio and a mother in law..but she's cool..max the dog and beau the cocky.....I will need lots of spare rooms for Madge and the sewing ladies..Madge is my friend Lorraine, a lively little Italian lady, that somebody recons when I talk about her it reminded them of dame Edna with her friend Madge..so the name stuck..shes cool laffs every time I call her that..told everyone I was going to her place for some wog soup the other day..she moved to next door but one from the next suburb away..partners in crime ya mite say..she also has a gammill longarm quilting machine, we whizz thru pantos in a couple of hours between us..and we laff and sing and dance to all the old rock and roll stuff she plays..life is fun ay Madge!!
righto thought I would introduce you to the people hubby works with...at kurnell oil refinery,bloody motley crew dont ya recon, but fun loving, thus all the silly bon bon hats..this was the works chrissy bash just our shift at deano and haleys place.my hubby last on the left with the lairy shirt..next to him a girl I went to high school with,always joke and tell her she is much older than me, in fact one yr but she was a year below me at school, I also tell her thats because I am much smarted than she is..lol..yeah right..her hubby is the shift supervisor..great bunch of people..next pic will be the couple who are also moving to Grafton when he retires..wonderful people..I look forward to seeing heaps of them when we all move....thats the plan move up grafton way in 5 yrs time.. and run quilting retreats..cant wait..cheers Pat

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

this is sally bear the second one I made,must say I enjoyed making the clothes and hat aswell as the bear..she has no ears because the hat wont sit right with them on, she looks perculiar when the hat is off..I love making bears,its like giving birth all over again, you just dont know how they are going to look till they are finished, its amazing how eye size and placement changes there faces..must take some more pics of them they are lovely..cheers Pat, doggie keeps nudging me, like you have had yours,wheres mine..lick lick..dinner that is...then I am going to do some more colouring in for the vic show quilt, must say I recon its gonna be a stunner..I like it when you impress yourself with things you muddle thru, new things,will post some pic asap,when its finished..cant see it now or I'd have to kill ya and ya mite steal my ideas..cant have that now can we..not till after the show....lol..nite nite..Pat
Well Hi everybody, its Anzac day at5pm, I have been up and had some" wog" soup and watched a karen mctavish DVD with Madge, bloody lovely soup thanks Madge, drank a bottle of bubbly with orange juice and now have found some photos on waynes puter,that I can blog wiff..so here goes..
This is a mystery bear I made at my friends place,she is lesley and her company is lesleys bears..they are very cute,even if I do say so myself..we where given the pattern but not a finished pic of what it is going to be, my hunch payed off, the head piece looked like a polar bear so there you have it I called her polly, she has a lovely pink belly,foot pads, 3 pink roses on her head and pink and green beads around her neck..she is beaudiful..I love bears and collect them often,like the other night I went to the chemist for waynes drugs, as I walked past, a lovely bear said"take me home "so I did, dont know why when I can make my own, I will round up some more photos of my bear family, no not my bare family and whack em in here..so long for now till I find some more pics..happy anzac to ya's,bought a tear to my eye watching it this morning,all the poor old diggers who where lucky to come home, most with there mates..those 3 x 15 yr old girls that got pissed and defaced the war memorial in bathurst in the early hours of this morning, I would name and shame,make them clean it off, everytime somebody did it..how dare they..they must make there mothers proud ay!!off the soup box cheers Pat

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Easter,can't sleep

well,like I said,I woke up for the middle of the night obligitory pee and found my son had taken his friend home,so now I am roaming the house waiting for the phone call to come and rescue him...he doesnt have a good track record from this next town for some reason,thus the mother worrying, so,while I wait I mite as well tell you about my mystery quilt..last year I was lucky enuff to win the jinny beyer quilt challenge2006 and my prize was 150 meters of jinny beyer fabric..OMG..$4650 dollars worth,not a bad prize ay!!so,in the yahoo group I am in we are doing a mystery quilt, well what better way to use my prize..this is the first 2 rows, centre Paper pieced, then first go at flying geese..I was happy with the outcome,you see I am a longarm quilter,but havn't pieced many quilts...this will be about my 4th I think, I struggle with the precision of piecing,I tend to be a bit near enuff is good enuff,so this one I am trying very hard...my friend Misty from Adelaide bought me the wonderful book,of paper piecing..never thought I would like it but another friend showed me how to do it and bobs your uncle....when I retrive some of my other pics from my puter to this one I shall post a pic of the jinny challenge quilt,..its still out roaming the country,due back late june,I will be glad to see how it returns,you see it was all 3D and flowers,wonder how many of them has wilted in its travels..well I must sign off now as its a bit cool here at the computer..cheers Pat..pS happy easter you guys.xx

Friday, March 23, 2007

so many things to do so little time

Hi anybody out there know a good way to manage the time we have, once upon a time I saw,I did, I conquered, now I see, I go its to hard, I file for future reference..seem to chase my tail all day long...I have several quilts to prepare for the Syndey show thats run by the NSW guild,one is mine and two clients have trusted me to work on their gems..but boy are they huge....I love to be able to create all the time wondering if they will crack a prize..I had one clients quilt in last year and scored a higly commended, pity the customer forgot to tell me, one of my quilting buddies rang me after she had been to the show..I was over the moon, recon it must be grand to get called to the prize ceremony and get the big one..dont think that will happen for awhile yet as there are some awsome quilters out there..like Clare Lewis(nee fairless)who won the machine quilting catergory last year, cat 14..with a white wholecloth, designed and quilted by clare..then there is Belinda Betts from orange,..I tell her often she is one of australias best quilters, she wins prizes overseas, but I recon our judges are somewhat subdued..I never seem to agree much with there awards..unless they give me something, then they are the best..lol..well must get back to it, hubby is away for the weekend so I must do his chores aswell, bugger..didnt realise he did so much..lol..good onya wayne..hope those sand dunes are kind to ya..bye for now Pat.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Maniis quilt.

I have a yahoo group of very caring and sharing people..I have called for healing heart blocks for a colleauge of ours, friend who had a tragedy in his life..long story short he lost his soul mate and unborn baby boy, our friend Jo relayed the story to us and this is the quilt that came to life, from lots of caring and sharing longarm quilts,from all over australia....hope you like it and everyone can see their own special block/s they sent me..the other blocks are for Jo and other friends of hers that also lost their baby.I will post more pictures later so you can see all your blocks.cheers Pat

my 5o 1st post lets hope it works.

thank you so much kathy..didn't think it was going to work but now I am here..lets see what happens ,short post..and where did you get that templet for the background..it doesnt appear in my templets..you are a tricky one..haha..cya for now will try with my puter later so I can put some photos in..cheers Pat
This is maniis quilt will blog the close ups later..

Hello and welcome to Blog World (Again)

Hello to Pat!

This is just a test page which Kathy helped me make. I have deleted all my old blogs and I am not under any circumstance to create any NEW BLOGS until this one is firmly up and running. No new usernames, no new passwords, no new anything except NEW POSTS.

One thing Kathy did on her computer was to remove old Cookies and temporary internet files, this allowed her to get rid of old files and allow a new posting to take place. It is done under "tools" in the browser menu at the top of the page.

Now we will post a photo of one of Kathy's cats to see if this works ok.

Once we are all happy it is running, Pat, put in a new post, and then another one, and then delete this first post, not the blog, just the post. Good luck!