Wednesday, April 25, 2007

this is sally bear the second one I made,must say I enjoyed making the clothes and hat aswell as the bear..she has no ears because the hat wont sit right with them on, she looks perculiar when the hat is off..I love making bears,its like giving birth all over again, you just dont know how they are going to look till they are finished, its amazing how eye size and placement changes there faces..must take some more pics of them they are lovely..cheers Pat, doggie keeps nudging me, like you have had yours,wheres mine..lick lick..dinner that is...then I am going to do some more colouring in for the vic show quilt, must say I recon its gonna be a stunner..I like it when you impress yourself with things you muddle thru, new things,will post some pic asap,when its finished..cant see it now or I'd have to kill ya and ya mite steal my ideas..cant have that now can we..not till after the nite..Pat

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