Friday, March 23, 2007

so many things to do so little time

Hi anybody out there know a good way to manage the time we have, once upon a time I saw,I did, I conquered, now I see, I go its to hard, I file for future reference..seem to chase my tail all day long...I have several quilts to prepare for the Syndey show thats run by the NSW guild,one is mine and two clients have trusted me to work on their gems..but boy are they huge....I love to be able to create all the time wondering if they will crack a prize..I had one clients quilt in last year and scored a higly commended, pity the customer forgot to tell me, one of my quilting buddies rang me after she had been to the show..I was over the moon, recon it must be grand to get called to the prize ceremony and get the big one..dont think that will happen for awhile yet as there are some awsome quilters out Clare Lewis(nee fairless)who won the machine quilting catergory last year, cat 14..with a white wholecloth, designed and quilted by clare..then there is Belinda Betts from orange,..I tell her often she is one of australias best quilters, she wins prizes overseas, but I recon our judges are somewhat subdued..I never seem to agree much with there awards..unless they give me something, then they are the must get back to it, hubby is away for the weekend so I must do his chores aswell, bugger..didnt realise he did so onya wayne..hope those sand dunes are kind to ya..bye for now Pat.


koolkatquilting said...

Hey Pat, I have been checking your blog to see if you are updating it. Good to see it is working well for you. Time management - what a huge issue it is to everyone, especially creative poeple like us! I struggle with this all the time and I only get things done when I decide to do the most important things first. I used to clean the house before I did any quilting of my own. Now I say - I'll allocate some time at the end of the day for that. The house doesn't really look so bad but I feel better having done something I really wanted to do that day. It's hard when family want your attention, but even they can be allocated time to fit in with what we want to do. Husband loves camping, and I don't particularly, but this weekend while he was reading a book at our campsite I did a little quilt design in my notebook and today I started making it. Feeling great!

Waterfall Manor quilts said...

My hubby is a 4wdriving enthusiast,I am not..although we have a camper trailer and a great group of like minded friends who get away often,I must say he can go it alone..I am not a floor dweller,and cant manover my large frame up and down into the camper trailer bed,nor do I like the midnight guants to the toilets..I am scared of the each to there own,guess they find it right.cheers Pat