Sunday, November 4, 2007

found my blog again

Hi everybody, finally found my blog again after all this time , when I am on my puter where everything is I cant blog, must be crook settings or something, you recon living with a geek he would fix it, wouldn't you but that doesnt happen..well I dont think there are any of my photos in this computer..but I will have I suspected this disc has been formatted and resurrected again so nothing to share with you..oh well maybe next here is very busy ,with my head spinning out of control, now starts the christmas rush..think I need to cancel christmas for another few months..cant belive this year is almost over again..both the kids have birthdays ,anna on wednesday and david on the 16th..she is 16 and he is 19..where did those years go..think I still have post natal that't been normal since I had the buggers..well going to bed early tonight..dont know why I have done nothing all day..I paper pieced block..and watched telly all day with hubby ,who is going to an all expenses paid,lovely motel in the southern highland for a few days, team building with work, and he doesn't want to go..I offered to take his place, but his work mates might notice..they wont get as many drinks per bottle with me there, as he doesn't look after that for both of us..good noght for now hopefully I shall have this blog up and running real soon..cheers Pat

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