Sunday, December 19, 2010

Angelas quilt

This quilt was a lovely piece of furnishing fabric i think, thats why it was so wide, I bunged a few outer borders and made a plague with angelas name on it, pantoed it with Angel wings and its a fairly big quilt, hopefully the 8 yr old will like it and keep it for a few years.I love these quick easy things for gifts.cheers Pat

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

stack and slash class

This quilt was made by Pam..her second quilt ever..these ladies took to this method like ducks to water..well done Pam
I quilted these class samples for half price..well thats fair, great kits for $40 each lap size quilt.fantastic day ..everyone is looking forward to the next class in the new year..wonder what we will do??cheers Pat

stack and slash quilts 16th oct 2010

This is rhondas quilt from the first waterfall class in october this year 2010 all the girls did so well.

Austin cars

Hi Haven't blogged for so long thought i should do something, it is such a busy time of the year, MIL had a fall and whilst in Qland I got a call to say 96 yr old aunt has broken her femur and could they operate??OMG big call to hold somebodys life in the palm of ya hand, but she came thru with flying colours..well as good as a 96 yr old can be..anyway on the trip back home my bro's G/F rang and said they where dropping the vintage cars at my place..well that went over like a lead balloon but here they are and guess who's bum went in in first..hubbies..thats right the one who objected the loudest.My mum learned to drive in this car its a 1934 Austin 7 we think not too many of them around at present to compare..the other one my favourite is for spare parts i believe according to my bro.The two door one from memory has a dickie seat in the Bro Tony who died with the brain tumor in feb this year was restoring the 2 door one and it just has to be put back together in my spare time..yeah right what a project though..cant wait for my dads,mum, and Tony sake to have it or them back on the road.wish me luck.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

art quilt5 Jinny Beyer Challenge

This was one of the first challenges I had to be 80% Jinny fabric..yeah right I didnt know what Jinny Beyer fabric was..I took a trip to Logans fabric at lietchard(sp) and sold my soul for the fabric..$25 bucks a metre OMG...could I afford this challenge..the underneath fabric was a cheap one from spotlight..more my style..I had downloaded some leaves for free front the internet,which I stitched out as many as would fit in the hoop, I fused two jinnys together for stiffness, I satin stitched them out and fray checked them cut them out starched them and dried them over an inner cardboard tube from paper towel..this gave them the shape of petals..they where all reconstructed into flowers and arranged like a bouquet of flower..some where made on a daisey loom my aunt bought me when I was 12, dont ask how I knew where that was as I live in time for house work too much creating to be done..the small flowers where wired onto florist wire and taped together anyway..this won the challenge and the prize was 150 x 1 mtr pieces the whole Jinny Beyer palette $4650 my friend and I unpacked the box along the back of my machine( 14 foot table Gammill) and just stood there looking at it..she said"you would have to be happy with that would you?"lol..I remember when Mary Ann Roberts from the APQ mag rang me to say I had won..all I could say was OMG

art quilts 4 Five o'clockers fantasy

This wallhanging??? what size do things become quilts, anyway it was born for the APQ mag Fantasy Challenge, i had the Gazania fabric or five o'clockers as we call them, and the body of the quilt is spotlight flannel I had bought to make my daughter some PJ pants..guess what she never got them..because I dont like raw edge applique the work is under tulle, this holds the angelinas fibers aswell.I quilt these in double fluro thread for a bit of oomph..the fantasy was that when the five oclockers closed up they went to the disco which is represented by the middle of the quilt, artifical silk flowers from the $2 shop is used for this. The shisha mirrors and crystals make these quilts really come to life when the light catches the bling, I love to sit and look at them, the other photo is the quilting on the back,I use black homespun and variegated king tut in the bobbin. I love my hand guided Gammill longarm machine.

art quilt3 Simple but effective

This piece of fabric was retrieved from a remnants bin in Lincraft Miranda..on a day that I was feeling very ill, I had new glasses and new medication so my head was spinning, I was walking around hand out for balance or holding onto caught my eye and I had to have it..the blank quilting space was what appealed to me..the blue flowers where on the seeded cream background, it is thick curtain fabric..I quilted it to death then set about colouring the outer border, I took a photo and printed it out so I could draw on it and plan my attack..I first drew straight borders but decided that was boring so the curved borders around the flowers eventuated..all was quilted into the piece and then I started colouring with derwents and setting as I went with JoSonja..textile medium..blinged with crystals and pearls, binding again is velvet and overbound and beaded..the lovely lady from Craftmail Box called me and said she had 1440 emerald 5 ml swarovski crystals did I want them before she broke up the job price just the spot for them..cant resist a bargain these went into the red fine line quilting that looks like braid, the top designs are from a stencil painted with fabric paint..several times as I kept changing colours..I am colorblind on red/greens so my hubby said , dont think I like that red and lime green much so they all got changed again to a maroon and emerald colour...See Wayne I do listen to you some

Art Quilts 2 Spotlight Challenge

One of my longarm quilting friends told me of this challenge for spotlight stores, you had to use their fabric for the quilt, the stems in the background had pink blossoms on them, so I put lots of silk flowers under tulle with angelinas fibers and shisha mirrors crystals, quilted it on my longarm and then discovered it was 2 inches to short, so the beaded braid went across the bottom...all bead by hand with colours that matched the body of the wall hanging...never got a place for this and think the winners where drawn from a hat, no notification of who or what won..a lot of work the prize was a trip for 2 to Houston quilt show..that would have been good but not meant to be..never mind will never enter another one of their shonky events.

Art Quilts 1 old world revisited

Thought seeings as I told somebody I considered myself an Art Quilter I should post some photos of my original works..hope ya like them..This one I called "Old World Revisited" because it reminded me of medieval tapestries you see in olden day castles..not that I have ever seen one maybe in a previous life is Sheridan bedspread fabric, jacquard beige and silver one side and the reverse on the other, so I turned the outside borders onto the front and stitched them, I was using holly burton thick wool wadding and because of the intense quilting when I removed it from the machine it was like a Mexican wave..all over the shop,I had to unpick two inches down either side of micro stipple and cut them off, replace the borders and color then again and quilt them. I had quilted around the pattern in the fabric, up the middle of the wall hanging then coloured it with Derwent Watercolour pencils, set them with fabric medium and quilted it again with metallic silver thread..the feathers I quilted into the edge of the middle where coloured with pastil chalk pencils and set with Jo Sonja textile medium. it was then "blinged" with Swarovski Crystals.This quilt received a second place in the "Sydney Quilt show" in 2008
Pity the folds are so visible from the travel to the hangs beautifully at home and the colours are much nicer in person. The binding is purple velvet over bound with cross stitched bling and beads.I couldnt find tassels to match the colour so I pulled the threads from the fabric rolled it up and made the tassels to match the wall hanging, and people wonder why I am precious about my work the tassels were beaded also, many hours went into this piece...even the bought beaded fringe was stablised with more thread. The lace on the outer borders was made on my Janome embroidery machine in colours to match the coloring in the middle.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

stack and slash quilt

I started this quilt yesterday for my son's mates 21st had all the stuff and used wadding I had won as a prize in a quilt it cost me nothing except bits of my good is that except I have been called to work this arvo so the binding will have to wait till friday..I will be knackered when i return home, only 3 hour shift but hard work and I will require several scotches tonight to resume my hasn't the quilt turned out good..I call it Love Song as he is the drummer from my sons band..Dangerbus, and its quilted with a panto called Mozart..but I have included several hearts in the pattern...thus love song..he is a country kid so i hope he likes it..I sure do..cheers Pat
PS this quilt was made measuring nothing, not even the outer borders..sorry to all you quilt police, I didnt even look at the blocks just sewed them together in numerical sequence as they were it work well..haha..I am a cow..MMMOOOOO

dubbo garden

Must say those panseys are delightful to sit and admire whilst being waited on with dinner and lunch fantastic bbq area.This home had everything , sues studio was a double garage and a big room attached to it for her other sewing stuff..she sets the statler stitching and sews up a storm of piecing..I am so jealous of this set up but they are such nice people they deserve eveything they have achieved in their lives..well done guys..looking forward to seeing you again some time soon.cheers Pat

dubbo weekend

I want a shed like sue's..its a long walk from locking the cars away.
The structure to the right is sue's new garden shaded area ken is erecting.
Just got to organise the shade cloth.

dubbo weekend

this is what sue looks out of her sewing studio window at the roses..what a display..your garden is so fragrant and beautiful..thanks for your hospitality.The colours are much stronger than the photos portray.

weekend in Dubbo

roses outside my window in beautiful to wake up to this.Sues garden and 1 acre block is a credit to both Sue and Ken

Sunday, October 17, 2010

stack and slash last one I think?

Fran"s country colours kit finished up very nicely with the checked border and country colours, she was more than happy also..I actually cut these borders with scissors rather than risk it not being straight with the rotary cutter..I am precise with some things but not

slack and slash again

Pams was much nicer then this picture the light shinning thru the window makes the colours very washed was blues and teales very retro looking with a lovely checked yellow and blue border..she was a bit reluctant to put this border on but we convinced her by showing her with the same binding as sashing at how nice it will be finished..and the quilter will apply the binding and hand stitch it for her just to prove the colours were lovely wait Pam you will be excited with the finished product..I bet.

stack and slash more

Shazza did the blues and cut them a little different to the others they have some smaller bits in them, thats the beauty of this method you can please yourself how many and where to cut them, a different result every time.well done Shazza,,remember these girls arn't sewers they had never tried this before , I cant believe how well they all went....must be their great teachers assistant telling them the right way to do things,,the teacher is very quilt police at my house..they live next door but one..kissy kissy Madge.

stack and slash over and over

Fan bloody tastic Rhonda, a girl after me own heart, pick the black red and white kit and how fantastic does it look, cant wait to quilt it for you Rhonda..cheers mate see you next time..wonder what we will do for the next one>>

satck and slash agin agin

Jan the "star" of the class, not a sewer, arrived with the singer under the arm,nothing else, what a girl, sharp as a pin, finished first and what a great result Jan..well done mate you can run the class next star for you..cheers Pat..

stack and slash agin

Few people missing from this pic but there where 8 and Madge and I, more than enuff for this room, but a lovely crowd and all good senses of humor, a very enjoyable day indeed.

stack and slash quilts 16th oct 2010

This is Jenny cutting her blocks back at the class, and she reconns she doesn't take a good photo, she looks lovely to me..well done jenny..
Jenny explaining to Madge holding up the quilt, that she wont put an outer border on it because its for her mums table and it would be too big..great colour scheme Jenny but I knew it would be she is fantastic with her range of colours.

stack and slash class

This is a shot of a few of the ladies who did the inaugral stack and slash class at waterfall tennis courts club house on 16th October 2010..what a great day everyone 8 of them went home with a finished quilt top thanks to my wonderful assistant Madge..shes a real goer, had everything under control..

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quilted Diamonds

Hi Everyone I bought this book some time ago with the good intention of making some diamonds...WWWEEELLLL ofcourse it never happened even join the DJretreat yahoo group and finally somebody has put up a database to spur us first block today..bit wonky but tried it again..still wonky but better.

first block no 122 from book bit wonky purple background blue stripe.
second block no 122 blue background purple stripe..better but still not spot on..but thats ok I will conquer it by the time I make 150 or so be crazy
cheers Pat

Thursday, October 7, 2010


some felting pieces from a canberra class with felting guru Fiona Wright..what a delightful class..I have lots of products here to do some more, one day I will have a weekend here if people would like a play date for felting and blinging etc..I thought they where having a GO at me when they wanted to take pictures of my work..I was bored, alone in a motel room ovenight with a handfull of bling..what else would you do with it but sew it onto ya bits..I am happy with the outcome..will make the orangy pinky one into some sort of bag and the other one was layed down as a year when its warmer we will organize a workshop here..promise..let me know if you would like to come..cheers Pat

Monday, October 4, 2010

more buddies

Marlene in the pink and that bloody lush Carol..wish i was there girlies.

Beautiful buddies in SA

Raylene and Elizabeth at the galah dinner in SA 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

pin cushions received

wow what a beauty thanks Anne O'C from Canberra for another lovely gift..its a pin cushion that fits in very well is very chubby we all are..cheers Anne I love it.xx

Saturday, September 25, 2010


who's that looking at that you bo bo..makes it hard to type with that sitting on ya shoulder..or worse still the key board..I inherited this bird from Waynes mum when she had a stroke 18 months ago..bloody thing used to hiss at me,(the bird not waynes mum) she had hand raised it from a baby..its 37 yrs old,plucked all its feathers out..from bordem I just loves me to pieces, took me a while to get confident with bite on the neck and it could kill..the beak is very sharp and very strong..but she loves to snuggle in and have a scratch, still hisses and bites everyone else..funny old bird says to me " give us a kiss"..and puts its beak on my talks none stop while your trying to have a conversation with the humans..dont know who it takes

Friday, September 24, 2010

Pin Cushion number 3

This is my beaudiful butterfly pin cushion that winged its way up from Tasmania..thank you Wendy it will be treausred forever..Wendy did stick magnets on the back of the wings a great idea..only one problem my current machine is plastic..nevermind its still prettiful..cheers Pat

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

closeup of 21st quilt quilted with black thread to be boiund in black..

This is the 21st quilt quilted with panto called "featheration" I think thats it..I really like this panto and have mentally ... quilted it onto some velvet ready to bling and paint maybe make into a how my mind wanders..nice this space..

This picture captures how the polar fleece was joined..I think I should have turned one piece it seems to be two different colours now that its finished..note to self have the nap going the same is very drk inch seam then opened and held flat with iron on violene did make the stitching hard threw the middle but atleast its flat, not a big lump that the small seam would have produced.

This is a quilt I am making as a commission for a 21st birthday present it is on the machine at present and having a panto called featheration??put on it..lovely pattern and it has cotton wadding and dark green polar fleece backing..I joined the backing and then decided the seam was too small and the wide selvage was still visible so I joined it again 1" seam opened it and ironed on interfacing to hold it flat and open..less of a bump in the backing to quilt is still on the machine will post another pic when its finished..I just love these simple easy quilts and am running a class on the 16th of October..for beginners..hope they enjoy it too..I bought the lovely border fabric on the way to Bungendore at Goulbourne,Patch on Bourke..lovely shop..lots of cheap fabric aswell as normal priced stuff..lots of $10 a meter bolts..I love those prices..cheers Pat

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

this is a picture of my son David playing guitar, locks like a pub ay!!..its downstairs at our place a room we call the dungeon, got a bar, tv plenty of room for the band to practice..slow combustion fire, nice room an add on that brother Tony built for us about 15 years ago..Thanks Tone..xx

geeze I dont know whats going on with this blog, the pictures are appearing as computer gobbildy gook..then when you publish it comes out as the right thing..all a bit weird..hopefully this is a picture of the yellow brooch I made to wear to mittagong conference so people could ID each other from the yahoo group..I was a lot younger then and a bit shyer so i only put it on at the dinner sat didnt get a prize cause the judges never saw it..cant help myself I am extreme..cheers Pat
it was about 12 inches long and 4 inches

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

These are the two pin cushions I have made for our swap on the longarm quilters group..hope Anne O'C and Wendy like them..I love these fiddly little things to make just to keep the idle hands a few books from the library last free motion crotchet and the other a doll face construction book by Patti Culea..I am looking forward to making my first everything I need except more hours in the that I am sleeping very well again I dont have those insomniac hours I used to Pat

Saturday, September 4, 2010

colouring lesson

This is one of the colouring lesson using glaze roller gel pens..I make the pin cushion by embroidering them on my janome..then give them to the students to try lots of different mediums..watercolour pencils, crayons, gel pens,pastels,anything you can set with textile medium, we seal and bling with crystals,pad them with leftover scrap wadding and the students get to take something home finished..the bigger projects always go home not finished and end up as UFO's I love to see things finished..what do you recon..there are heaps of pin cushions at all different stages around the workshop, must find them and keep them all together ..that would be a bonus when teaching..being organsed..whats that..or as Madge would say."Pat put them all in a clip lock bag" I recon she has shares in on ya Madge.xx
ps somewhere to use Zentangles!!!

Pin Cushion number 1

This is what I have christened "Arabian Nights" cause it reminds me of the cushions you see in the Aladdin this is what my swap partners will receive down one to go..geeze I love this fiddly nonsense stuff..hope the girls love them too..I know Anne O'C loves blue..only from seeing her stash and shopping with her..everything is blue or Purple..bit obsessive compulsive I pills you can take for that Anne..xx

Friday, September 3, 2010

my daughter the rabbi

This is my daughter..believe it or not..she arrived with her hair extensions on her chin and a bowler hat..funny
she will kill me for including this ..haha..

hristmas in july 2010

This is DD and DS at the end of the table,we had about 12 of us for chrissy in july the others are neighbors that have moved away from waterfall where we live..they have all retired and gone further afield..we had a great night even though it took me 3 weeks to clean the bloody house for the event..its amazing how out of control my home is..I would much rather create then do house work..shame its all my crap around the place..never mind in my next life I will be tidy..yeah right..cyas

yr 12 dress made from recycling

This dress was amazing it was made by a yr 12 girl from recycled stuff..aluminum cans and supermarket plastic bags..she had cut up the cans into scales and written on them like embossing endangered animals names, the bags where shredded and the skirt knitted from it..the train on the back also bags,,take note of the earrings they were cans and CD'S..the bodice was laced up the back which was made from ring pull tabs..there were also fish

and flowers, leaves..all very amazing I hate to say it but it got my vote..the kids are so lucky these days that they can be creative with everything..there were photos of the student wearing this creation....other things the kids made where timber beds, bass guitars, outdoor seat with and ice bucket in the middle, sun lounge, surf boards, cushions like donuts that were stackable..mosaics 3inch squares with photographs stuck and baked onto them,then arranged like a jigsaw puzzle with a secondary photo in I said the kids are very creative..cheers Pat