Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Austin cars

Hi Haven't blogged for so long thought i should do something, it is such a busy time of the year, MIL had a fall and whilst in Qland I got a call to say 96 yr old aunt has broken her femur and could they operate??OMG big call to hold somebodys life in the palm of ya hand, but she came thru with flying colours..well as good as a 96 yr old can be..anyway on the trip back home my bro's G/F rang and said they where dropping the vintage cars at my place..well that went over like a lead balloon but here they are and guess who's bum went in in first..hubbies..thats right the one who objected the loudest.My mum learned to drive in this car its a 1934 Austin 7 we think not too many of them around at present to compare..the other one my favourite is for spare parts i believe according to my bro.The two door one from memory has a dickie seat in the boot..my Bro Tony who died with the brain tumor in feb this year was restoring the 2 door one and it just has to be put back together in my spare time..yeah right what a project though..cant wait for my dads,mum, and Tony sake to have it or them back on the road.wish me luck.

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