Thursday, September 3, 2015

game of quilts challenge.secret stash

Here is my entry for the badass quilters of quilts challenge
I love a challenge and love to push the boundries..This piece was inspired from the book "A dance with dragons" thus the round shape like the cover photo, a shield.

I calculated the area of a square 18x18 inches and made the circle the same area..

The shisha mirrors in the bottom of the piece represent the dragon eggs wedding gift...I quilted the piece then painted the quilting with irredescent tone on tone fabric.

I would like to say thanks to Kym Colgrave from Professional Quilting Sevices for enabling the aussie to participate.

wow after all this time

I have finally found my old blog..been a while..just testing to see if i remember how to do this..obviously i should this work this is a parcel that arrived in the post from a dear friend..i had told her the carpet layer christened my new craft shed.."the chook house"..and this arrived she is very clever old chook ya rob